Wondering what to do with oak gall ink? I suggest trying it out in markers. Oak galls make a great drawing ink and you can use it in markers without the fuss or mess of using a brush.
I bought these empty markers at my local Blick store recently. I have a Molotow double tip 1.5/4mm and several 2mm ones. Many art supply stores carry these and there are other brands and sizes as well. Sometimes they keep them behind the counter so it's worth asking someone for help if you don't spot them.
Other inks to try are walnut, which works beautifully, and red ochre watercolor paint. You can even put your Strata Ink Watercolor inks in them. The red ochre marker is filled with Strata Falls Creek Red ink. I probably wouldn't put the Maya Blue ink in a marker because that particular pigment flocks so heavily without the addition of oxgall that it may be hard to get the pigment to flow out consistently. I'll let you know how it goes if I give it a try.
The markers come with a little stainless steel ball inside that shakes the ink up nicely. This is particularly helpful if you have a pigment based ink where the pigment might separate from the liquid over time. The markers could be filled with any watercolor paints. Squeeze a bit of tube paint into the marker and fill with distilled water to dilute to a runny consistency. Watercolor paint, botanical inks, custom blends- the options are limitless!
I put these markers in my carry on luggage for a recent flight. I doubled bagged them just in case there was a leak, and was pleasantly surprised to find they came though without incident. Now I can travel with multiple inks without transporting ink bottles or brushes.